A growing number of brands are prioritizing the ethics and social responsibility of their manufacturing process—and we say that’s a very good thing.

As ethical consumers, we rely on ethical manufacturing certifications and sustainability certifications to tell us that a garment or product was made in such a way that minimizes its negative impact on humans, animals, and the environment.

Here, we’re focusing on the human side of things, though it’s important to remember these two main branches of manufacturer certifications intersect in many ways. What’s more sustainable for the planet is usually better for workers, too.

That said, what is ethics certification, how do they all differ, and can these ethics and compliance certifications be trusted?

How Trustworthy Are Supply Chain Management Certifications?

Ethics are often a moving target, not to mention a subjective one. As the world evolves, so too does our human understanding of what is just or unjust.

The best supply chain certifications uphold rigorous standards with a dependable, open authentication process to ensure a certification truly supports the commitment to social responsibility it claims to. We aren’t striving for absolute excellence here; we’re aiming to do coincidentally better, which makes it difficult to define the real impact of any ethics certificate.

And as greenwashing becomes more sophisticated—like falsities behind GOTS-certified organic cotton—it’s become clear that certifications aren’t automatically a 100% safeguard solution for a more equitable Earth.

A report from the garment industry worker advocates group Clean Clothes Campaign declares: “The social audit industry has failed spectacularly in its proffered mission of protecting workers’ safety and improving working conditions. Instead, it has protected the image and reputation of brands and their business models, while standing in the way of more effective models that include mandatory transparency and binding commitments to remediation.”

This is why we always encourage readers to do research and to hold brands accountable.

Contents: Ethical Certifications For Manufacturing

  1. Fair Trade Certified Jump to section
  2. Fairtrade International Jump to section
  3. Fair Labor Association (FLA) Jump to section
  4. World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) Jump to section
  5. International Labour Organization (ILO) Jump to section
  6. Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Jump to section
  7. Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) Jump to section
  8. Social Accountability International (SA8000) Jump to section
  9. Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) Jump to section
  10. Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) Jump to section
  11. Leaping Bunny Jump to section
  12. People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) Jump to section
  13. Vegan.org Jump to section
  14. Vegan Society Jump to section
  15. ZQ Merino Jump to section
  16. Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) Jump to section
  17. Responsible Down Standard (RDS) Jump to section
  18. ISO 9001 Jump to section
  19. ISO 14001 Jump to section

Fair Trade Certified

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Fair Trade Certified _ USA and bit245 via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What Fair Trade USA Certifies: Food, drink (such as fair trade coffee), handicrafts, housewares, and apparel.

One of the most common ethical fashion certifications, Fair Trade Certified (also known as Fair Trade USA or Fair Trade America) is a US-based certification that ensures “an innovative model of responsible business, conscious consumerism, and shared value to eliminate poverty and enable sustainable development for farmers, workers, their families, and communities around the world”.

A product, aspects of a product, source of a raw material (i.e. Fair Trade cotton, a common name among sourcing certifications) or the facilities where a product is made can all be Fair Trade Certified.

Fair Trade Certified mandates that any business with the label be held to fair labor standards that include sustainable income, care for the well-being of workers and communities, social empowerment, and environmental stewardship. Practices and requirements are updated regularly regarding worker’s rights, supply chain management, and sustainable land management.

It’s also in reciprocal agreement with Fairtrade International, though they aren’t technically the same sustainability certification bodies. In fact, Fair Trade USA developed the Fair Trade Certified label in 2012 after a split from Fairtrade International in order to accommodate large-scale farms that possibly greenwash large-scale farming efforts to push profits over people.

When comparing fair trade certifications, Fair Trade Certified is not as strong as Fairtrade International, according to the recent International Guide to Fair Trade Labels, “Fair Trade USA has… a relatively weak threshold for the use of the label, requiring just 20% of certified ingredients for the use of a front panel seal.”

Fairtrade International

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Fairtrade International and zmurciuk_k via Getty Images Pro on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What Fair Trade International Certifies: Food, drink, apparel, handicrafts, housewares, sugar, cocoa, and coffee.

Fairtrade International holds one of the most esteemed ethical certifications in existence, upholding environmental, social, and economic standards. The organization is a global multi-stakeholder not-for-profit that advocates for fair wages and safe and happy working conditions for workers worldwide in a variety of industries including apparel, coffee, tea, and farming.

Any product producer, trader, manufacturer, or imports/exports can become certified via an intensive audit by FLOCERT, an independent certification body. For a brand to use the trademark seal, there is a separate licensing process. Applications and fees vary depending on location and product.

Notably, Fairtrade producers’ networks have half the vote at their general assembly. Farmers and workers are consulted when establishing new standards and policies for Fairtrade International.

Fair Labor Association (FLA)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Fair Labor Association (FLA) and Industrial Photograph via Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What FLA Certifies: Workers’ (primarily in agriculture and manufacturing) rights globally.

Fair Labor Association (FLA) is a non-profit organization that involves universities, civil society organizations and socially responsible companies who wish to protect workers’ rights and serve communities worldwide.

Created in the 1990s as the “anti-sweatshop” response, the association sets the international standard for labor rights along the entire supply chain of agriculture and manufacturing—making it one of the best certifications for supply chain management.

Companies become members through voluntary 3rd party auditing to demonstrate ongoing efforts to improve working conditions and workers’ rights and a yearly fee. Some of the largest apparel companies worldwide are members, including sustainable outdoor clothing brand Patagonia, Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Under Armour, and Puma.

While many advocate for FLA’s success at making multinational companies comply with best fair labor practices, its critics argue it lacks accountability and effectiveness, citing the dismal pay and long hours most factory workers still face globally.

World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and kupicoo via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What WFTO Certifies: Verification of any fair trade enterprise.

The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) assesses an enterprise’s business model and structure, as well as its supply chains and operations.

At its core, it exists to ensure members uphold the Ten Principles of Fair Trade, which it helped to engineer based upon ILO conventions, fair trade values, and fundamental human rights.

Once a business is verified, it can be considered a Fair Trade Enterprise that exists with the legitimate goals and interests of producers and their communities above all else.

It’s one of the least common ethical fashion certifications of the fair trade umbrella, but possibly the most reliable. The organization meets yearly and has a solid track record in implementing what it agrees upon (including strengthened criteria for environment and climate change), scoring favorably in all categories by the International Guide to Fair Trade Labels.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by International Labour Organization (ILO) and shironosov via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What ILO Certifies: As opposed to certifying, the ILO helps implement international labor standards and conventions that countries ratify. If there are issues with the application of these standards, the ILO helps via technical assistance and social dialogue.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized human rights and labor rights agency of the United Nations, which advocates for the social and economic justice of all people and children. They gather governments, employers, and workers to establish labor rules, working conditions, create programs to enhance employment opportunities, and help integrate labor policies.

Members of the ILO are not businesses, but nation states. To gain membership, a country needs to accept all obligations of the ILO constitution.

While the ILO is often under scrutiny for the many injustices still happening worldwide on their watch, the organization has done many positive things. Recently, they added Occupational Health & Safety as a fifth pillar of human rights, being lauded as the biggest moment for workers’ rights in a quarter-century.

Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and JackF via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What ETI Certifies: Not a certification, but rather a fashion industry-focused members-based alliance to promote worker’s rights worldwide.

The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is an alliance of organizations, unions, and companies that help redefine how large brands apply codes of labor practice with credibility, to benefit workers and end exploitation. ETI has more than 90 member brands and protects almost ten million workers globally.

Based on the standards of the ILO, the ETI Base Code of Conduct helps companies develop best practices and protection of workers in their supply chains.

However, ETI has received scrutiny on a number of issues, especially how permissive they have been with retail giant H&M who really have no reason to not pay their 850,000 workers a living wage. There are other greenwashing accusations, too, as well as questions over who ETI really protects: workers or big profits?

Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and gilaxia via Getty Images Signature on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What BSCI Certifies: Not a sourcing certification, per se, but rather a compliance report based on social monitoring for ethical sourcing and manufacturing.

Started by the Foreign Trade Association (FTA) who seek to build upon the political and legal framework for trade in a sustainable manner, the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) supports over 1,500 FTA member companies to implement social responsibility at the heart of their supply chains.

In their words, “BSCI is not a certification… [we] provide a system that helps companies to gradually improve working conditions in their supply chain. Producers that meet all BSCI requirements are encouraged to go further and achieve our best practice, the SA8000 social management certification developed by Social Accountability International (SAI).

They offer two voluntary memberships—regular and associate—and audits are valid for two years after completion.

BSCI has previously been slammed by industry watchdogs for not having rigorous enough workers protection standards to prevent disasters like the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse.

Social Accountability International (SA8000)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Social Accountability International (SA8000) and Syammas P. Syarbini via Syammas P. Syarbini _ Dr. on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What SA8000 Certifies: Factories or any type of manufacturing facility.

Perhaps the most common name among manufacturing safety certifications, Social Accountability International says of their standard, “The SA8000 Standard is based on internationally recognized standards of decent work, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO conventions, and national laws. SA8000 applies a management-systems approach to social performance and emphasizes continual improvement—not checklist-style auditing.”

In order to become SA8000 certified, a factory must meet the standard’s criteria, along with its procedures that are regularly improved upon as various social and human rights issues arise.

Specifically, they measure a factory’s ethical performance in eight categories: health and safety, child labor, forced and compulsory labor, freedom of association and collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, and compensation.

Awarding of the SA8000 ethics certificate relies on biannual audits by third parties. Prices vary, but can be up to $30,000 per year, depending on the scope of the business and what must be audited.

However, it has seen a number of scandals over the years, including a tragic fire in Pakistan that killed 300 workers just weeks after the SA8000 certificate was awarded.

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) and gerenme via Getty Images Signature on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What WRAP Certifies: Factories or any type of manufacturing facility.

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) is the largest ethical fashion certification globally, with more than 2,200 factories certified that represent more than two million workers.

To get certified, a factory must pay a fee, submit an application, and then get audited for compliance with 12 Principles. Depending on score, the ethics certification is offered in platinum, gold, and silver.

WRAP claims to have a zero-tolerance policy, yet a number of their factories have been busted for unpaid wages, child labor, and workers harassment, which throws the trustworthiness of the certification into question.

Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) and NKS_Imagery via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What SMETA Certifies: SMETA Audits are not a certification but an auditing methodology and online database for companies to manage suppliers and ethical performance.

The SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is a web-based system that was designed to help businesses manage information about labor practices in their supply chain, which are called SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) reports.

The system came about in response to “audit fatigue” in the global manufacturing industry. The idea is that instead of many expensive and disruptive audits per year, a factory (which usually produces for multiple brands) gets a single audit that is published online for clients and prospective clients. Audits involve a self evaluation form, an in-person audit, and an issued report online.

Unfortunately, information in the database isn’t available to consumers, only companies who are members and their suppliers.

Leaping Bunny

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Leaping Bunny and Olena Rudo via Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What Leaping Bunny Certifies: Cosmetics, personal care items, and household products (anything that might be tested on an animal).

Leaping Bunny, a part of Cruelty Free International, certifies that products are animal testing free, including any ingredient, formulation, or included product from a third-party supplier. Note that the certification is not vegan.

More than 2000 products are Leaping Bunny certified—from cruelty-free deodorants to cruelty-free moisturizers.

Any company wishing to use Leaping Bunny certification has a series of audits, which also include supply chain monitoring. Once a product is approved, there is a yearly licensing fee (dependent on gross sales) in order for brands to include the logo.

Leaping Bunny is transparent about the products with their label via their Compassionate Shopping Guide and cruelty-free shopping app.

The critique is that parent companies do not have to be cruelty-free. That said, brands with the Leaping Bunny seal must have their own proven 100% cruelty-free supply chain and demonstrate that they’re a standalone operation from their parent company.

Leaping Bunny is unique in that they launched a special China Qualification Program due to regulatory changes in China’s previous mandate that all cosmetics be tested on animals prior to sale. This will require additional pre-market audit and post-market audits, conducted by Knudsen&CRC.

Chinese policy was a major stumbling block to cruelty-free certifications, because it called their validity into question. A “cruelty-free” brand choosing to willingly sell into China would still thus sanction animal-testing. However, animal testing is still required for “special use” items (like hair dye and cruelty-free sunscreen), along with a convenient caveat that Chinese officials may pull any product off the shelf for animal testing upon reported safety issues.

To address these loopholes, certified companies must sign an agreement that their products be recalled should the Chinese government require animal testing for any reason, though it’s unclear how this will be enforced.

People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by PETA and cottonbro via Pexels on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What PETA Certifies: Anything made without the use of animal byproducts, from beauty to fashion to homewares.

People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) offers both vegan and cruelty-free certifications—because remember, vegan and cruelty-free are not necessarily the same thing.

In fact, the PETA-Approved Vegan certification indicates a product has no animal products and was created cruelty-free. However, they will still certify brands that sell into China without any special measures taken by Leaping Bunny. That aside, the main critique of PETA’s vegan seal is that companies are merely self-audited, which leaves enormous room for faulty claims and greenwashing.

To help consumers find cruelty-free products, however, they offer the public their Beauty Without Bunnies searchable database.


19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Vegan.org and VeselovaElena via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What Vegan.org Certifies: Any products that are both vegan and cruelty-free

The US-based Certified Vegan label by Vegan.org applies to all 100% vegan products that must also be cruelty-free.

If shared machinery with non-vegan items is used, it must be specified on the label.

However, the label does not take into consideration agriculture or farming practices for products that may negatively impact animals, for example palm oil farming, which is known to destroy animal habitats.

To receive this ethical certificate, companies must pay $100 and then a yearly fee based on annual revenue. Certification happens by product, not company.

The label has more than 10,000 products from over 1,000 brands, of which anyone can access via their database.

Vegan Society

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Vegan Society and KucherAV via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What Vegan Society Certifies: Any products that are both vegan and cruelty-free.

The oldest vegan certification, with over 56,000 products bearing the stamp. The Vegan Society actually coined the term “vegan” in 1944.

A product with this stamp has no animal products, no animal testing, no cross-contamination, and limited use of and clear labeling of any GMOs. Certification must be renewed every year.

In 2021, controversy struck the organization, with five trustees stepping down after allegations that the organization is institutionally racist and homophobic.

ZQ Merino

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by ZQ Merino and ArtHouse Studio via Pexels on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What ZQ Merino Certifies: Ethical merino wool farms.

ZQ Merino is seen as the “gold standard” of merino wool and regenerative agriculture (in the case of ZQRX products) to produce the wool. It’s regarded as top supply chain certification for wool, though its scope is unfortunately limited to only merino sheep, not all wool.

Only non-GMO merino sheep farmers who meet rigorous standards of animal welfare, environmental sustainability, fiber quality, traceability, and social responsibility are given the ZQ certification.

Standards, as assessed by sheep professionals in regular third-party audits (in addition to random specialized veterinary audits) include:

  • Sheep allowed to roam freely under the Five Freedoms of animal welfare
  • Prohibition against live shipping of animals and the practice of mulesing (where chunks of flesh from the hind end are also shorn to stimulate greater wool production)
  • Land stewardship and environmental responsibility
  • Health and safety of workers
  • Economic stability for farmers and employees (which prohibits sale through typical commodities auctions)
  • Superior quality of finished fibers

Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) and golubovy via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What RWS Certifies: Animal welfare and land management for “responsible” or ethical wool products, largely seen in garments and home textiles.

The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)aims to improve the welfare of sheep and the land they graze on”.

To receive voluntary certification, farmers pay levies to Textile Exchange, who oversees and sponsors the program. They must then meet requirements regarding animal welfare, social standards, and land management, from farm to the final seller.

However, it is controversial and not perhaps rigorous enough, as cruel practices may still be permitted within their animal welfare standards. Monitoring is also largely done via announced visits, whereas unannounced visits are crucial to prevent cover-ups of abuse and sheep suffering during inspections.

Responsible Down Standard (RDS)

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by Responsible Down Standard (RDS) and m-chin via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What RDS Certifies: “Responsible” down from ducks and geese for apparel, home goods (like pillows), and certain eco-friendly camping gear (like down jackets and sleeping bags).

Another Textile Exchange sponsored certification, the voluntary Responsible Down Standard (RDS) is similar to RWS, except that it “aims to protect ducks and geese used for down”.

Professional, third party audits are conducted at each stage of the supply chain to ensure a strong chain of custody and full traceability from farm to finished product. Requirements include:

  • Down is only collected from ducks that are already being farmed for their meat.
  • No force-feeding or live plucking.
  • Birds are given the Five Freedoms “from hatching to slaughter”.

Certification via third party auditors must be renewed annually; a follow-up audit must be carried out yearly to continue certification. Parent farm certification is optional, which some criticize as problematic as it doesn’t trace far enough back down the supply chain.

ISO 9001

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by ISO 9001 and Smederevac via Getty Images on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What ISO 9001 Certifies: Quality (not ethics) of any factory or manufacturing facility.

The International Organization for Standardization offers several different ISO certifications. ISO 9001 is a standard for quality management. Companies acquire the standard as an indicator that they consistently provide products or services as per customer and regulatory requirements. It is the most common standard of ISO 9000 series (and the only one) businesses can certify for.

To become certified, a business usually consults with a firm who makes recommendations, applicable changes are made, and then a third-party audit occurs. The cost depends on the size of a company and the policies and structures that must be amended to receive the certification. We’re talking hundreds to millions of dollars!

Of all manufacturing certifications, ISO is the least impressive from an ethical standpoint, because worker’s rights aren’t really the point. Instead, its point is largely rooted in capitalist reasons, demonstrating superior manufacturing quality of finished products.

ISO 14001

19 Manufacturing Certifications & Ethics Certifications to Know For a More Equitable Earth Image by ISO 14001 and negaprion via Getty Images Signature on Canva Pro #manufacturingcertifications #manufacturingcertificationslist #ethicalmanufacturingcertifications #manufacturingsafetycertifications #ethicscertifications #ethicsandcompliancecertification #sustainablejungle

What ISO 14001 Certifies: Environmental responsibilities and practices of any factory or manufacturing facility.

Another ISO certification, ISO 14001 offers a framework for a business to create a successful environmental management system made of records, plans, practices, policies and processes that together create the governance of how a business interacts with the environment (i.e. proper chemical and waste management).

ISO 14001 isn’t without its purported drawbacks, namely that it focuses on process more than results and that the audits are not rigorous enough. That said, companies who adopt it are generally doing better environmentally than those who do not.