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Molly Willows

Senior Writer
Experience & Interests:
Sustainable Travel, Yoga and Wellness, Eco-Building, Environmental Stewardship, Ocean Conservation
BA in Philosophy (University of King's College), MA in Visual and Media Anthropology (Freie Universität Berlin)
More About Molly Willows
Molly Willows is a Thailand-based writer for sustainability and purpose-driven publications and brands. She has a BA in Philosophy from the University of King's College and an MA in Anthropology from Freie Universität Berlin. With a strong background in TV and advertising, she's held top-tier roles such as Director and Executive Producer. Really, Molly loves being a semi-nomadic writer most of all. Today, she happily spends her days writing, researching, teaching yoga, meditating, and attempting to surf. Molly's words are published by Huffington Post and The Guardian, and some of her previous film projects can be seen on Hulu, Apple TV, or at the iconic Onassis Stegi in Athens.

About Sustainable Jungle

Sustainable Jungle is here to encourage positive change. We share sustainability related ideas, tips, tricks, products, brands and stories about people & organizations doing meaningful work to better our planet. Learn more about who we are and our commitment to providing you with well researched, reliable content about sustainable living, fashion, beauty, low and zero waste living and many other important topics for our times.

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