Podcast #72 · Meg Carney · Forever Chemicals

Meg Carney is an outdoor and environmental writer with a passion for environmental advocacy. We focus on her current original podcast show called Forever Chemicals which dives deep into the history and impact of PFAS and the direct actions we can take to make a difference to planet and people.

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Tech @ Sustainable Jungle

Zero & low Waste Living

Tips on how to generate lower waste in your kitchen, bathroom, beauty, fashion and cleaning routines or see all in zero waste 🗑️

What Is Zero Waste? Image by Sustainable Jungle #whatiszerowaste #whatdoeszerowastemean #zerowastedefinition #zerowasteconcept #conceptofzerowaste #circulareconomy #sustainablejungle

What Is Zero Waste?

Zero Waste is a lot less simple than plastic = bad. That’s why we’re here to help you understand how zero waste goes beyond you opting to shop in bulk