We’ve all been there—the unraveled elastane threatening to leave us underwear-less with one wrong wiggle or the escaped underwire stabbing the side of our boob. So let’s get to the bare bottom of what to do with old underwear and what to do with old bras.

Most of us have an overflowing drawer of undergarments, but what should we do when our sustainable bras and organic underwear reach the end of their natural life?

It can be tough to let go of something that has supported us for so long—especially when doing so isn’t very supportive of the planet. Instead of relegating ratty underwear and stained sports bras to the trash, here are some planet-friendly ideas of what to do with used underwear and bras.

Contents: How To Dispose Of Old Underwear

  1. Donate Used Underwear of Certain Types Jump to section
  2. Sell Old Bras & New Underwear Jump to section
  3. Upcycle Worn oOut Underwear & Lingerie Jump to section
  4. Repair Old Panties Jump to section
  5. Recycle Old Underwear Through Brands Jump to section
  6. Recycle Old Underwear Through Third Parties Jump to section
  7. Compost Worn Out Underwear Made Of Natural Fabrics Jump to section

Donate Used Underwear of Certain Types

Can underwear be donated? Certainly not your typicaly tattered, stained pair of panties.

However, there are certain types of undergarments (bras, shapewear, and maybe a piece of lingerie you bought but never wore) that can be responsibly donated. Traditional thrift stores (i.e., Goodwill and the Salvation Army) normally won’t accept underwear donations, but some will accept bras. Local women’s shelters are also a good resource here.

If your specific location doesn’t, try one of these organizations:

  • I Support the Girls: Once your bras (in good condition) are received, they’ll be distributed to women in need. There are many drop-off locations across the US, but donations can also be mailed.
  • The Bra Recyclers: Partnering with more than 100 non-profits around the globe, The Bra Recyclers has already donated more than 4 million bras to women in need. They accept all types of bras, as well as new panties
  • Bras For A Cause: Accepting lingerie, bras, and swimsuits, DYB works to provide these items to breast cancer survivors around the globe.
  • Smalls for All: For UK readers, Smalls for All distributes new and lightly used bras to women in need in the UK and Africa.

Sell Old Bras & New Underwear

For what to do with old bras that don’t fit anymore, we get that they can be pretty pricey so you might want a little extra cash for them if they’re still in relatively good shape. A few resale platforms also accept clean bras (including nursing bras) that are in good condition.

  • Poshmark is a well-known leader in the world of peer-to-peer clothing sales. Download their app, snap some photos (modeling not required), and start the sales process.
  • Depop has a long list of prohibited items, but bras and some types of lingerie are still accepted. Their Instagram-esque feed makes selling fun and easy.
  • Vinted is another user-friendly platform for passing on pre-loved items. Selling is free, and bras are accepted provided they are “properly washed and the description clearly states that the item has been worn”.
  • thredUP will also accept your gently-used bras. Order a bag (that comes with prepaid shipping), send it back with your bulk garments, and leave the rest up to them. Just be sure the bras are high quality and from an accepted brand, or ThredUp will donate them.
  • eBay is the OG of used goods. Used bras may be sold using the platform but must be clean and not modeled by a real human.

Upcycle Worn oOut Underwear & Lingerie

Here’s where we can get a little creative. When it comes to upcycling used bras and panties, repurposing options aren’t as numerous as they are with your fave faithful old jeans, but there are still more than you might think. Let’s start from the top, by which we mean old lingerie and bras:

  • Reuse the cups of unwearable bras by stitching them into a swimsuit, dress (perfect for backless dresses!), or top.
  • Padding can also be used as a shoe insert to help shoes maintain shape in storage or when jammed in your sustainable luggage.
  • Reuse the hook and eyes to create a bra extender. You can sacrifice one or two bras that don’t fit to save others that have grown a little tight in the torso.
  • If the elastic is still good, use the straps to make a DIY floral headband or bracelet.
  • Transform your bra into a bra purse. For those daunted by more in-depth DIY projects, rest assured: it only requires decorative items, scissors, needle and thread, and a hot glue gun or fabric glue.
  • Cut out lacy or decorative fabric sections from lingerie and use them as embellishments and trim for craft or other upcycle projects.

When it comes to what to do with old panties, repurposing ideas are fewer still, but we still came up with the following:

  • Turn your old underwear into reusable paper towels, wood polishing rags.
  • They can be shredded and used as pillow filling.
  • Ruff ruff, repurpose! Making DIY dog toys is super simple and the perfect for old men’s underwear. Cut the boxers or briefs into threads and braid to make a dog toy. Finally, a way for dogs to be allowed to chew up your underwear.
  • While you’re at it, sew 4 cups of two bras together and stuff with some shredded old underwear to create an earth-friendly dog or cat ball.

Repair Old Panties

We often throw away panties for stains, even though it’s typically just one spot. Since the rest of the fabric is still useful, kill two birds by repurposing an old cotton shirt into a new gusset.

If the elasticity wears out, instead of tossing that thong, wash your underwear in hot water to shrink them. While it won’t provide a long-term solution, it should somewhat extend the life of your underwear.

If there are larger rips, use some non-toxic fabric glue to mend those tears. Better yet, use a ripped pair of underwear to practice your sewing skills (no one will see that messy sew-job, will they?).

Now for brassieres. Underwire peeking is a well-known issue for old bras, but it’s also one of the easiest to fix. You can even use medical gauze for a quick fix.

Broken bra problem number two: broken straps. A quick sewing session with needle and thread will re-attach your strap in no time. Use similar methods to amend stretched-out straps (or replace them entirely).

Recycle Old Underwear Through Brands

Our favorite fashion brands have adopted practices of circularity, with programs in place to repurpose or recycle garments when they wear out. The following brands offer easy answers to how to get rid of old underwear in any condition:

  • Subset accepts old undies from any brand to be recycled by a NYC nonprofit. Underwear is sorted and broken down by fiber before being transformed into rags, rugs, and insulation. You’ll receive $15 towards your next order of their sustainable bras and panties as a thank you.
  • Hanky Panky partners with Green Tree to recycle your old undies into industrial insulation. Request a shipping label and drop your package (minimum of 4 items) at your nearest UPS.
  • M&S: UK readers can recycle their preloved bras via M&S’s Shwopping program. Items are sent to the charity Oxfam for resale or recycling.
  • Bravissimo is another UK brand offering in-store swimwear and bra recycling bins (from any brand). Bravissimo makes a donation to Women’s Aid for every kilo they receive.

Recycle Old Underwear Through Third Parties

When selling, donating, and repurposing aren’t viable options, you can send your old undergarments to be sustainably recycled through the following organizations:

  • B.R.A. (The Bra Recycling Agency): This woman-owned organization is on a mission to keep bras out of landfills. They take your old bra, pulverize it, magnetize it, and transform it into carpet padding. The proceeds from underwire recycling help support Breast Cancer Research.
  • Planet Aid Boxes: Drop off old clothes to Planet Aid’s yellow bins located in major metro areas or print a shipping label and mail them up to 70 pounds of clothing. Helping solve the burning question of “what to do with old underwear and bras?” they accept both, provided they’re clean and not beyond repair.
  • Terracycle: Order a Fabrics & Clothing Zero Waste Box™ from Terracycle to responsibly recycle just about any item from your home or closet you don’t want.

Compost Worn Out Underwear Made Of Natural Fabrics

It’s getting hot in here…so compost all your clothes! We love sustainable fabrics mainly because they’re far more environmentally friendly to produce and dispose of. Fabrics like organic cotton, hemp, wool, silk, and linen can be turned into nutrient-rich compost.

Just be sure your underwear/bra is made with 100% natural fibers and not mixed with synthetic fabrics (i.e., polyester, spandex/elastane, nylon, rayon). This reduces the degradability of your underwear and, worse, introduces toxic chemicals into your compost bin.

If there is just a small amount of synthetic fabric in the underwear or bra (because most are blended with a little bit of elastane/spandex, especially sustainable sports bras), you may still be able to compost them. Try to keep the content of synthetics at a minimum (less than 5%).

Before chucking anything in the compost heap, we recommend doing the following:

  • Get rid of anything that won’t biodegrade. Remove any decorative pieces on the underwear, plastic buttons, or metal zippers. Similarly, remove any tags and labels unless 100% natural, i.e., cotton. For bras, remove any foam padding and the elastic straps.
  • Cut or rip the undergarments into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the faster they’ll break down.
  • Undergarments = “brown material.” Food scraps and garden materials = “green material.” You need a balance of the two colors to keep your compost happy.
  • The higher the temperature, the quicker those old panties will disappear. Heat your compost bin by following these tips.