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Francesca Brooking

Experience & Interests:
Sustainable Travel, Outdoor Recreation, Conservation, Wildlife, Sustainable Fashion, Animal Welfare
BA in English Literature, Queen Mary University of London
More About Francesca Brooking

Francesca has a BA in English Literature from the Queen Mary University of London. She is a UK-based freelance writer and content creator who loves sharing stories of people innovating positive change in their communities. She’s written for a range of publications on topics including ethical fashion and wildlife conservation. As an avid travel enthusiast, she runs her own blog aimed at making sustainable travel accessible, affordable and achievable. When she’s not at her desk, she’s either on a trip or planning one.

About Sustainable Jungle

Sustainable Jungle is here to encourage positive change. We share sustainability related ideas, tips, tricks, products, brands and stories about people & organizations doing meaningful work to better our planet. Learn more about who we are and our commitment to providing you with well researched, reliable content about sustainable living, fashion, beauty, low and zero waste living and many other important topics for our times.

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